Have you been feeling stressed, depressed, or anxious lately? If so, you aren't alone: A recent study found that one in four adults report feeling symptoms of anxiety or depression in 2020. Of course, taking a bath isn't going to solve all of your problems. But building small acts of self-care into your daily or weekly routine can have a marked impact on your day-to-day happiness and stress levels. That's backed up by science. That's where bath bombs come in. With their wide variety of scents, colors, and bath bomb ingredients, these small indulgences can help create a soothing, fragrant space where you can relax and unwind. With that in mind, here's a step-by-step guide on using and getting the most out of your bath bombs.
Using Bath Bombs: A Guide

Bath bombs are simple to use, but you need to follow these steps in the proper order to ensure you get the full effect.
First, fill up your tub with warm water. Wait for it to fill up all the way, then place your bath bomb into the tub.
The warm water should help melt the bath bomb ingredients, opening up a unique array of colors, textures, ingredients, and scents.
Then, all that's left for you to do is get in the tub and enjoy!
Extra Tips for the Best Bath Bombs

If you follow the steps above, you'll probably be set—but here are a few more tips to take your experience over the top. The warmer your bathwater is, the more quickly and completely your bath bomb ingredients will dissolve. So, if you don't mind a bath on the hotter side, feel free to crank up the heat—just make sure it isn't scalding before plunging in. If you want to help your bath bombs go the extra mile, consider heightening the experience with bath oils or essential oils. This will help your bath look and smell even better, and give you more control over the aesthetics.
Enhance the Experience

The great thing about a bath is that you aren't able to be easily distracted by technology or other people's requests. So if you're already going to the trouble of drawing a bath and using a bath bomb, you may as well make the most of it! Light a scented candle, play some relaxing music, and decorate your tub space with a cute shower curtain so it's truly an oasis.